Van Grip Magnum guide (VGM)
Before you ask where is my Pump action sentinel mod guide, why isn't my sear carbine writeup done, or whatever else I'm supposed to do like measure ___ / give specs for a PCSR, I do shit I enjoy when...
View ArticleStryfe Kriss Vector Kit, Paint, and Internals Mod "Kookies 'n
Hey! I'm new here, so let's start with a bang! A few months ago, I bought a Stryfe along with the Worker Kriss Vector kit. Little did I know, I would eventually stuff it with new internals, and give it...
View ArticleDemolisher full auto
Yeah, um, how would I do this? This would be one of my first what I consider big mod. I reall like the demolisher shell, probably more then any full auto blaster I have seen. What would I need to do?
View ArticleTrilobe FWC
Many Nerfers have had trouble with ways to make flywheelers more accurate and/or raise the velocity. I have come up with another possible solution. It is unknown if it will work or not, but when I...
View ArticleSentinel top loading mod
Love all sorts of nerf but kinda hate mags, but you want to top load? Well this is for you. I fucking hate it when I can't reload my blaster without swapping the mag, giving a vulnerability window and...
View ArticleX Shot Micro Minimisation Mod
Hello everybody I'm pretty new to NerfHaven and this is my first topic . I was at the Australian Kmart the other day and saw a pack of two X Shot micro blasters for $6! I was dumb enough to work in my...
View ArticleRayven lipo
Let me start off by saying if I am breaking the rules by making this post then sorry. I thrifted a rayven a little while ago, and I need a lipo for it. I want this lipo to fit in the stock area. I...
View ArticleHow to make your own foam melee weapons.
Make Your Own Melee I know many nerfers enjoy the use of melee weapons or “boffers” in our wars. And there are several companies including Hasbro that are happy to provide you with one for a fee....
View Articlex2 Hopper HPA Big blast in Shot blast Shell
The goal of this blaster was to make a a solid primary with the comfortable Shot blast shell. This writeup is a bit sparse on pictures but it should be enough to use as a general guide. Main...
View ArticleStryfe Kriss Vector Kit, Paint, and Internals Mod "Kookies 'n
Hey! I'm new here, so let's start with a bang! A few months ago, I bought a Stryfe along with the Worker Kriss Vector kit. Little did I know, I would eventually stuff it with new internals, and give it...
View ArticleProof of Concept for Smaller and Cheaper Absolvers Using Craft Store S
Hiya there Nerf Haven, long time modder, first time poster here. I teased to a few guys over on Walcoms7's Discord server about finding a new base material for absolvers; Small Plastic Colored Sand...
View ArticleNerf stampede mod help
So, I have a plan for a big upcoming mod, but there is a major thing I need to know beforehand. If the stampede stock where the batteries are was completely hollow, could you put a titan tank in there?
View ArticleClearcoat questions.
Hello NerfHaven! I'm A new modder but, I know lots about it, And I also repaint some of my blasters! Anyway the reason I started this topic is because I would like to know what clearcoats you guys...
View ArticlePump Action Reaper Writeup
Godfuckingsamnit NH add a failsafe for closed tabs. Got my writeup closed write before fucking posting, aghhh redoing it *sigh* ahhhhgggg. T R I G G E R E D as fuck right now, I have so much #salt....
View ArticleModding a RapidStrike, Battery/Motor Help
I'm planning on modding my Rapidstrike, but I've been having trouble with finding and deciding on proper components, specifically motors and battery packs. Hoping to get 105-110 FPS Thinking of...
View ArticleThe Modding Mistakes Thread
Ever make a big mistake when modding? Or want to make it clear to other users how to avoid making mistakes while modding? Please share your experiences and your advice!
View ArticlePSA: Stryfe Dart Lock no longer present (and different thermistor?)
So, I bought a brand-new Stryfe and I opened it to find out that Hasbro actually deleted the annoying dart lock on brand-new Stryfes and the thermistor is more box-shaped, possibly to make shunting...
View ArticleK25 spring (way) too strong for longshot?
I just finished modding an old longshot CS-6. I removed the air restrictor, trigger lock, bolt lock, and clip lock, plugged the leak hole in the breach, and replaced the spring. For the new spring I...
View Articletitan/magstrike mod?
new to the modding, but i have a few titans and magstrikes, and the thought came to use the titan tank instead of a magstrike, just wondering if anyone has thought of, or done before?
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