Love all sorts of nerf but kinda hate mags, but you want to top load? Well this is for you.
I fucking hate it when I can't reload my blaster without swapping the mag, giving a vulnerability window and possibly lead to your death, but you also have to balance do you want to have that mag partially empty on you? I took inspiration from VZ-58s and the SKS which are both rifles that utilize stripper clips and mags. However you obviously aren't using stripper clips in Nerf. But you can top load this like your hoppers too! But enough talk. Lets look at some pics. Description below photo
Did it to two glorious rifles. Basically dremeled off the front so the breech well is exposed. Didn't even dissasemble them for this
Pic from magwell
Breech from the back. Nothing else needed really to be done.
Kinda looks weird but meh. Practicallity is important.
You can actually put the jam door back on to kinda give some aesthetic.
Push your darts down with your fingers through the lips.
*sigh* you can't upload a video directly to NerfHaven.
You can do it one handed as displayed in the video because I'm too lazy to get my camera and SD card out.
ALSO, that jam was intentional to show you in the rare case it jams, it's very easy to access.
I forgot to do it on camera, but if you already had the blaster primed, when you pull the plunger assembly back, the dart in there comes out and forward since air is still pushing it out as it is a full one piece assembly.
This means it's insanely hard to double feed, and that the dart is in the mag again so top loading won't double feed your rifle.