Hello everybody I'm pretty new to NerfHaven and this is my first topic . I was at the Australian Kmart the other day and saw a pack of two X Shot micro blasters for $6!
I was dumb enough to work in my bedroom (I couldn't sleep) and lost the catch spring for one so I decided to make a minimised version which operates by pressing the catch instead of pulling the trigger. I thought of this concept a while ago but didn't want to waste a firestrike on it. I also took the Air Restrictor out and painted it black (nooby thing to do but I wanted a sort of hidable gun for emergencies and I left the orange parts unpainted) I don't have a chronograph but it gets pretty bad ranges. Here are some photos below
Sorry if I'm being too cluttered with this post but I'm new to NerfHaven and forums. Thanks, Mosh.