3s Lipo connecters good enough for modded stampede?
Hi nerfers! So I was getting tired of the weight and danger issues of running 10 AA batteries in my modded stampede and decided that I was going to make the switch to lipo. I've done some research...
View ArticleStuck screw
I have a triad but I can't get the screw out. 2 of them are stuck. I have done nothing to the gun ( can't really the darn thing won't open). Is it meant to do that? Am I just weak? Is it flawed? HAALP...
View ArticleNerf crossbolt help
I am working on modding a crossbolt, and it won't catch. When it does work it hits like a truck, but it won't catch most of the time. Is there a spring that would work as a stronger catch spring?
View ArticleCyberpunk Strongarm
Dear NerfHaven, I'm new to Nerf world and new to this forum. I joined for asking tricks and tips about Nerf paint/modification. I'm doing a set of weapons for a new short film project of mine, called...
View ArticleBrushless Stryfe Project
Hey NerfHaven it's been a while, but I just got to college and there's a decent HvZ scene here so I'm getting back into Nerf.My first project, a custom flywheel cage for a Stryfe with brushless...
View ArticlePump-Action Dart Zone Magnum
Hello, fellow "On the Line" users I made a little bit of improvements to the original VGM by Snoop Doggy doge. This is my very first post and I am very excited! Lets begin! Materials Needed: 18...
View ArticleStampede select fire
Hello nerfers! So I had a idea to make a select fire stampede. My thoughts were to perhaps do it with an ardunio So I was going to have a circuit where the negative wire of my 3s lipo is connected...
View ArticlePump Action Recon
Hello, I am doing a pump action recon mod and I was wondering if this kit will work well with it (AR is not being removed):...
View ArticleStupid Simple BOOMco Burstwave Guide
This quick half an hour job will increase your Burstwaves performance two fold, averaging an impressive four shots at 70fps each.You'll need adhesive, here I'm using two-part epoxy and super glue, and...
View ArticleWill this work?
I am wondering does anyone know if this works with the recon? (2nd photo) http://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?spm=a1z5f.7632060.0.0&id=529427371596
View ArticleBest way to go about a pump action retaliator
So I have a retaliator I'm looking to mod. I know I want it to be pump action but I don't know which way to go about doing it. I don't have a recon/retaliator on hand (other then the one I'm already...
View ArticleGun computer MkIV
Hey all So have been stupid busy the last few months and havent done much nerf work, but I scored a cheap Hyperfire on the weekend, so thats inspired me to do some more modding! First was my basic...
View Articlei need some recommendations for modding my big shock
I need some ideas for modifying my bigshock to the point you cant tell its a bigshock so yea pls help
View ArticleRetaliator AR
Is it worth taking out the retaliator AR? I have see multiple guides that take out the AR but does it really help?
View ArticleI'm Scared My Gun Might Blow Up In My Face
do any of you have guns with beefed up springs? of course you do. thats why you are here on this site, on this forum. but do any of your guns scare you? like 'dayum if this plastic gives, somebody...
View ArticleHelp with basic mod
I did dracs mod guide on a nerf crossbolt, excpt the minimized bow arms, and it won't catch. Any idea about the problem?
View ArticleNerf orange spray paint
does anyone know of any nerf orange spray paint? i need it for a upcoming project.
View ArticleModding Nerf rebel sweet
Hi everyone! For my first topic I will talk about modding the Nerf Rebel Sweet Revenge/Destiny. First... I saw the handle was almost the same as the "4Victory"'s, so I wanted to know from you if it is...
View ArticleHelp finding a new/improved longstrike priming handle
I have a longstrike that is just laying around at my house, because, even though it looks really cool, it is just really bad in stock form. I have a OMW Immortal kit that I am planning on putting into...
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