Before you ask where is my Pump action sentinel mod guide, why isn't my sear carbine writeup done, or whatever else I'm supposed to do like measure ___ / give specs for a PCSR, I do shit I enjoy when I'm here. I don't want to make this hobby feel like a job. Hence the lack of detail that will be in this guide. Procede reading that this mod can be done better and should be as this was done in 6 hours off handedwith a dremel on the side walk, with no lines drawn.
Also, familiarize yourself with the internals here.
Alright, you ready to make your Magnum pump action? I'm only spending 3 hours on this max unlike my normal 8.
As normal, text explaining the photo will be found below the photo. Don't aske me how to make that Stock, I'll either take a ton of pics documenting the finished product or I won't at all. The way I made it was so janky.
1/2 in PVC
1/16 in Polycarb
lotta machine screws.
Retaliator / recon shell
Epoxy putty
Screw driver
Boltcutter ( hold down screws )
Cut down a realiator shell like in the VGR guide, and hollow out the internals. I use a pair of pliers to pull everything out, you can use a sanding drum. Basically do eveything in here you do for the pump, because the flathead screw will run into something
Also, take the front pieces of your magnum and sand them down like this. This is so the retaliator shell can sit under it.
And I reattatched and cut out a bit of the retaliator so it'd fit in like this.
Do that to both sides, if you sand down the front half enought it should be good and you can close the ret shell
Make sure the clamshells are aligned, add eputty to secure everything in place and make sure it still closes evenly
Now I cut 1/2 in PVC into 1/3rd strips. If you can use anything else it will be better, but I'm cheap and lazy. (seriously you should get a different method lol.
Also make sure that there's clearance here so your arm doesn't interfere with drum. Just sand.
OH yea, bolt that shit through the top of the slide here ish so it won't touch the blaster when sliding back to the PVC. On the other side if you block the screw port with the arm, grind down the PVC to make clearance.
something something like this, it'll run to the front. Cut it down at the muzzle of the blaster
Cut out a polycarb L that connects to PVC and pump like so.
It should look kinda like this
Than bolt to PVC and the pump.
You should have done this to both sides. Also cut screws down to size, and than sand them flush so they don't slice you.
Yea it's ghetto and fugly. It's a feature.
Reassemble blaster
Some pretty pictures
And you are done. Prime feels weird because of that second stage prime.
Maybe. Just maybe, I'll add how I put in a stock