Strongest spring a stock longshot can handle
I was reading a couple of posts about how the 14kg spring is the best spring for a longshot and that people just throw it in and are good. I've also read posts where people say you cant use a 14kg...
View ArticleMy take on the tacmod - work in progress
Hello everybody, This is a project I've been working on for quite a while now, and I feel like it has reached a stage where I actually have some concrete things to show. From the moment I saw...
View ArticleAlpha trooper timing issue?
"It might just be a lemon sadly it happens occasionally and though you might not be able to get a refund without a receipt it is a lot easier to get an exchange without a receipt if you still have the...
View ArticleWorld first rscb clip magstrike
Yes you read that title correctly an in line clip magstrike what it doses not work 100% the way I want it to but so far it works and damn there lots of other thing I can still do pic comeing soon had...
View ArticleMaverick Penny Mod
Is adding three pennies to the Maverick good or bad for the blaster?
View ArticleShould you save lock springs?
Is it worth saving lock springs for say? adding on the catches to make them stronger?
View ArticleWorker Stryfe
Are the worker fly wheels and dart pusher for the stryfe any good and worth buying?
View ArticleNerf MP5SD
Does anyone know if the worker MP5SD barrel kit is 3d printed or injection moulded? (For the stryfe)
View ArticleSnikkas fearless fire cage?
Hey, I was looking through the forums for fearless fire mods, and I saw that snikkas made flywheel cages for the rebelle fearless fire. I have looked for some time though, and I can't find them. Are...
View ArticleBest blaster to Mod (fully auto) with PLENTY of space?
Trying to choose a reasonably cheap fully auto dart blaster to mod. It will need to have lots of empty space as I am planning on moding whatever I find that's fully auto to a brushless setup, therefore...
View ArticleBigshock AR
Hey, Just wondering how to remove the AR of the mega bigshock. I know this seems dumb of me, but I am new to modding, and I don't want my blaster to get screwed up. Please show me with pictures, I...
View ArticleAmmo Counter: The Ultimate Simple & Cheap Guide
After seeing, for a couple of years, the hype, and of course this community's want for an ammo counter, what I wanted to do here is provide a comprehensive, yet easy and cheap step-by-step overview and...
View ArticleHow to prepare for a paint job.
I looked into it and I found a bunch of different methods so I thought I'd turn to Nerfhaven for what you guys think/use. I plan to use duplicolor for the primers, paints, and clear coat. Show should I...
View ArticleRate of Fire mod for Rapidstrike?
So I want to Mod a Rapidstrike and from what I've seen on google most people, in order to increase the rate of fire, increase the voltage or something like that. Can I change the motors to 180's...
View ArticleSemi auto centruion, with password protection!
So, first off. Heya guys! Been quite a few years since ive been here, glad to finally get back. I just wanted to find out if anyone would be interested in a write up for a mega centrion semi auto mod,...
View ArticleStryfe build, pointers welcom
Hello everyone, I would like to mod out a Stryfe and would appreciate your recommendations as to bang for buck. Goal/context: For me this is a three step process, build something that fires better to...
View ArticleLongStrike with Immortal kit question
Hello! I was wondering if it was worth it to put brass in the barrel from the dart tooth through the detachable barrel
View ArticlePossible desolator mod
So I'm looking to possibly get a desolator and I was wondering if it would be possible to do a rewire, motor upgrade, and run it off 8 (*Sigh* yes 8) AA Batteries using the built-in battery tray and...
View ArticleReleasing Rapidstrike Flywheel CAD The above link is to a folder which contains a solidworks .prt file and an STL file for my flywheel cage for RS (and...
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