This quick half an hour job will increase your Burstwaves performance two fold, averaging an impressive four shots at 70fps each.
You'll need adhesive, here I'm using two-part epoxy and super glue, and a size 1 or 0 screwdriver.
Before disassembly pump your blaster two times, it's imperative to keep the tank at pressure; ensures integrity during modification. A total of 19 screws, all the same size. Keep an eye on the top rotation peg, it's spring can force the piece loose.
Remove your tank, below the blue plate is the OPRV.
Unscrew the plate and tip out the contents. Not shown is the spring, whoops, but here is the peg with o-ring seal and the top hollow cap. The only thing were saving here is the hollow cap, blue plate, and screws.
Mix up your adhesive, I'm using a "pastry bag" method for easy and clean-up free application.
Pop the hollow cap into the OPRV slot, hollow side down. Fill the slot with adhesive.
Let it set for a minute or two and place the blue plate back, tightly screwing it down. Place your tank in an upright position and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Now onto the two red nuts holding the vinyl tubing; they're secured with adhesive, but the lower nut is very loosely secured and is the first point of failure in an over pressurized system. It's easy to twist this nut off with your fingers, apply a liberal amount of your chosen adhesive and tightly twist the nut back into place. Now use the reference picture to make sure everything is back in place, close up the shell halves and screw it together.
Averaging 33fps faster than stock, I collected the data with seven full strokes of the pump. 8 or 9 pumps seems to be max; I discovered the red nut fault at 10 pumps, and any more might be nearing the pressure rating of the stock vinyl tubing.
I still don't have any more carbon fiber film, but I did get a very nice chopper working on my coupler'd Burstwave.
Stupid Simple BOOMco Burstwave Guide