Channel: NerfHaven - Mods
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Worker ndfeb Motors

Has anyone used the new worker ndfeb motors? I'd like to get some feedback before buying them, but I can't find anyone who has run them. Thanks

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Dart foam is cracking, but the heads are not blowing off.... Help plea

Hello all,   I recently modified a Firestrike. I put in a [k25] spring, put some e-tape under the o-ring, removed the air restrictor and dart post, and re-barreled with 1/2" CPVC. I'm hitting 90-100...

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Next gen nerf. Or not.

Hey nerf gurus (hopefully) I was wondering on the future of the nerf gun hobby and although I am not an avid fan as many of you are I was wondering why in pursuit of better FPS and dart stability the...

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Stampede Modification Guide (By Mortality_Nerf)

I recently came across a very informational stampede modification guide while browsing the Reddit Nerf community. With Reddit's mechanics, the guide will not be seen there for long, but it is too...

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My Reactor Mod (Elite Single Shot/Shotgun Mod)

I made a brass barreled reactor that can be single shot or multi shot depending on how many darts you put in it. It requires you to cut out the white AR piece in the blaster, and then I suggest if you...

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What can take a 12kg retailator spring?

I would like to know what can take a 12kg retailator spring with almost no to little reinforcements that needs to be done.

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Unusual Rapidstrike Mod: Help Please?

Ive been planning to upgrade my Rapidstrike for some time now. At first, I started a voltage upgrade. I didnt want to spend any money on new components, so I just cleaned out unnecessary garbage and...

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Vulcan to Semi-Auto

Looking to modify the nerf vulcan from full auto to semi for a game that requires semi auto or less speed.  I cannot increase force.  I figure this will be done with an Arduino and timing, but if...

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Breech modification in a tri-strike

Greetings, I recently have been learning about and using short darts, and I would like to modify my tri-strike (which has my 3D printed pump action kit - link at bottom) so it shoots half darts. I know...

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Can a stock longshot catch take a [k26]?

I got a longshot at a yard sale recently, and I'm doing an old school brass breech. I don't want to have to order anything online if I can do it at home. I want to use a [k25] or [k26], so do I have to...

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Screw Mounts Broken

A while ago I used blue thread locker on all the interior screws in my stryfe. The next time I worked on it the thread locker destroyed the plastic mounts. Two mounts were on the cage and now it's a...

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I need help putting together my Star wars Qi’Ra Nerf gun

So i wanted to paint my star wars Qi'Ra blaster, so i unscrewed it and did just that.  I just cant seem to get the blaster fire'ing again. i think the problem is in this part right here. when i...

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Nerf EAT mod idea.

Hey guys I am seeing if its possible to put in a Worker Expanded plunger tube into a Alpha Trooper with the same amount of modding work as you would with a retaliator. Any help and advice would be great.

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Buzz Bee Extreme Blastzooka

Hey I need a buzz bee extreme blastzooka for a nerf modification, I live in Australia and was wondering if anyone had one that they don't use anymore that I could buy off them. Attached Thumbnails

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Stock motors

Any1 know if a stock strife motor can handle a 2s lipo? Also how do you make a gun run on a lipo?

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Rampage plus Vortex = Darts AND Discs !

HI everybody Here is my first integration. Used a Vigilon with its integrated mag plus a regular Rampage.        

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nerf gun

Hello guys.. I am interested with the nerf guns now for recreation. I am still doing some research where to get the most reasonable price. I just came upon this one, https://www.used.forsale/nerf-guns....

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Anodizing 130 Motors

Can anyone recommend a way to anodize a set of 130 motors without destroying them? If not then a recommendation for a paint that will adhere and withstand the high temps? Thanks

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Upgrading Spring/Brass Barrel

I'm modding an old Nightfinder and I have removed the AR, brassed it with 7/32 and increased the seal on the plunger. When I went to put in a bigger spring it actually shot worse and had less power. I...

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Technically not a modification post

My Vulcan's advancement mechanism has a stripped part, mainly to translate the motor's rotation into horizontal movement. Any ideas besides 3d printing? I don't have the funds for getting a printer,...

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