Nerf Retaliator Reinforcements.
So I am thinking about buying an 8kg or 10kg nerf turf retaliator spring but it says that I might need reinforcements, what reinforcements would these be? I googled it but none of them came up with...
View ArticleBarrelstrike "Smart" AR issue
Hey Nerfhaven So i recently bought a Barrel Strike and like all i decide to beef up the spring but with mine i'm having AR issues where i'll fire one then another dart will attempt to leave the...
View ArticlePaintjobs
Hey I'm new to Nerf paintjobs and need to know what to use and what not to use for painting. Does anyone have any suggestions?
View ArticleOMW EAT kit
So, I was thinking about buying a NIB EAT, and I will want some reinforcements for it because I have an 8kg retaliator/rampage/eat spring and it would break easily. So my first idea is to buy an OMW...
View ArticleNerf Retaliator Mod help
Hey Guys, I recently bought a nerf Retaliator (Sonic ice) and i begin looking into what Mods i can do for this Blaster and to no real surprise i find a fair few kits, so i thought i'd ask you kind...
View ArticleLongshot with a Magnus spring question
Hello all, I've just replaced my Magnus' spring with an ace49, and I'm wondering if I could add the stock Magnus spring to my Longshot. I believe that the stock Magnus spring is roughly 4kg, and the...
View ArticleMagnus + Retaliator Catch spring
So I wanted an extra power boost for my retaliator so I added a cut down Magnus spring. When I pull back to prime it doesn't catch, presumably because the catch spring is too weak. Does anyone know...
View Articlesledgefire replacement springs
dose anybody know of a stronger spring than the stock spring in a sledgefire but one that wont break anything?
View Articlestryfe sticky trigger
so my stryfe is all stock and non painted but it has a sticky trigger and i was wondering if any body knows how to fix that?
View Articlebarrels
dose anybody know were i can buy 16mm 20mm and 25mm pvc or conduit if so pm me.
View ArticleEAT upgrade spring?
Hey. I was just wondering if anybody had used the 5kg worker spring kit for the EAT and what performance they managed to get out of it.
View Articlejust for fun minimization
i minimized the brainsaw becouse ive never seen anyone do it before and a friend wanted me to do it so here it is. DOESN'T DESERVE ITS OWN THREAD. PUT IT IN THE MODS/PAINTJOBS THREAD NEXT TIME....
View ArticleOptimum deadspace removal in the bolt for pusher breeches?
I couldnt find this answer anywhere, so I thought I might ask if anyone has documented data on the optimum diameter to let air through in the bolts of pusher breeches. I have a brass retaliator with a...
View ArticleQuick plunger padding question
Hello all, I recently bought a stage 2 Longshot kit form OMW, and it includes a polycarbonate plunger head, and rod. With a polycarbonate head and stock plunger tube, will I still need to pad the...
View Articleeneloop aa nimh pack current discharge?
Hello I am wondering if any of you knew the current discharge or an eneloop aa nimh "pack". I said "pack" because what I am referring to 6-8 eneloop nimh AA batteries in a pack configuration. I am...
View ArticleQuick catch mechanism question
Ok, so I've recently upgraded my Longshot to a ~6.5-8kg spring. To handle the increase in spring power, I added two extra springs to the stock catch. It catches fine, but I am encountering what may or...
View ArticleAnother Quick reinforcement question.
Hello again, I'm wondering if anyone has had their Longshot shell break under a heavy spring load. I've searched it up, but haven't found any problems about it. If that's the case, then if is necessary...
View ArticleRetaliator Reinforcement Help
Hey Guys, So finally getting all the parts i wanted for my own Retaliator along with the Yokiko "Worker" Clear pump action kit (Forgive my spelling) and installing everything and calling it a day....
View ArticlePainting Images or Personal Logos
Hello, So I have just finished some internal mods on some blasters and wanted to paint them. I also wanted to put a personal logo on them as well. Due to the circular nature of my logo and how...
View Articlemm pvc to cpvc
i am having trouble figuring out what size 16 mm 20 mm and 25 mm PVC pipe whould be for cpvc if anybody knows what that whould be and how to figure it out with other sizes too.
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