Hello I am wondering if any of you knew the current discharge or an eneloop aa nimh "pack". I said "pack" because what I am referring to 6-8 eneloop nimh AA batteries in a pack configuration.
I am trying to get my stryfe to consistently fire atleast 100 fps, without using a lipo pack, and preferably without using a giant rc car 6 sub c cell nimh pack if possible, which I think leaves me with a "pack" made up of eneloop nimh AA cells, or using efest imr batteries which I don't think have the current discharge needed for any non-stock nerf 130 motors (except maybe using them in parallel? Not sure)
Will 6 eneloop nimh AA's in series (~7.2 volts) be able to discharge more current than 2 efest imr's in series (~7.4 volts)? What would be the current discharge be for both setups?
Basically I am wanting to improve my stryfe utilizing the factory battery tray (with or without an expanded battery door....and without using a lipo pack....which would either be 2-4 efest imr's & dummy cells, or 6-8 eneloop nimh AA's in a pack configuration, or possibly some imr's in a series + parellel configuration of some sort) but really need some help and suggestions on a power supply that fits my needs (no lipo and can fit in stock tray, even if it requires expanded door/cover) and also has the voltage and current discharge needed for popular 130 sized motors used in nerf applications, which has been extremely hard for me to do...
So does anyone know the current discharge ability of 6 eneloop nimh aa's in series in a "pack" configuration? 8 eneloop aa's?
Anyone know the current discharge ability or 2 imr and 2 dummy cells in series? 3 imr and 1 dummy? Imr in 2s2p configuration?
I am also still trying to decide between "2s voltage" and "3s voltage" as I am not sure if I can get within the needed current discharge rating while hitting the needed voltage using aa nimh or 14500 imr. I need a lot of help
I am trying to get my stryfe to consistently fire atleast 100 fps, without using a lipo pack, and preferably without using a giant rc car 6 sub c cell nimh pack if possible, which I think leaves me with a "pack" made up of eneloop nimh AA cells, or using efest imr batteries which I don't think have the current discharge needed for any non-stock nerf 130 motors (except maybe using them in parallel? Not sure)
Will 6 eneloop nimh AA's in series (~7.2 volts) be able to discharge more current than 2 efest imr's in series (~7.4 volts)? What would be the current discharge be for both setups?
Basically I am wanting to improve my stryfe utilizing the factory battery tray (with or without an expanded battery door....and without using a lipo pack....which would either be 2-4 efest imr's & dummy cells, or 6-8 eneloop nimh AA's in a pack configuration, or possibly some imr's in a series + parellel configuration of some sort) but really need some help and suggestions on a power supply that fits my needs (no lipo and can fit in stock tray, even if it requires expanded door/cover) and also has the voltage and current discharge needed for popular 130 sized motors used in nerf applications, which has been extremely hard for me to do...
So does anyone know the current discharge ability of 6 eneloop nimh aa's in series in a "pack" configuration? 8 eneloop aa's?
Anyone know the current discharge ability or 2 imr and 2 dummy cells in series? 3 imr and 1 dummy? Imr in 2s2p configuration?
I am also still trying to decide between "2s voltage" and "3s voltage" as I am not sure if I can get within the needed current discharge rating while hitting the needed voltage using aa nimh or 14500 imr. I need a lot of help