Scout with Hornet tank internals
The goal of this mod was to keep the Scout looking as stock as possible while having decent power. Materials 1x Hornet tank 1x Secret Strike Pocket Blaster 1x 1/2" PVC endcap 17/32" Brass 1/4" OD...
View ArticleHow to brass breech?
So I have been looking around for a while now and I can't seem to understand this whole brass breech. I am typically an electric modder so I have a much greater understanding of blasters that are...
View ArticleRetaliator mods.
I just finished overhauling my Stryfe for nvz and just realized I should have a backup primary. That considered I settled on a retaliator, I plan on buying a sonic ice retaliator, orange mod works kit...
View ArticleDoomlands Persuader Spring Replacement?
I have a couple of persuaders, and ergonomically I prefer them to the hammershot or the strongarm. I would like to make them a little more powerful, but I haven't been able to find much information on...
View ArticleAlphahawk prime
Is there any way to open the Alphahawk after attaching the priming bar?
View ArticleLongstrike Easy Detach Bolt Handle
Here's how you make it easy to take off your Longstrike bolt handles. This is especially useful if yours is modded and you need to crack it often. This, IN THEORY, should work on the Longshot and...
View ArticleModulus Recon Mk II OMW 1+2+Pump Action, is it possible?
I'm brand new to modding, but loving it so far, this fortnight I performed my first mod on my Modulus Recon Mk II. I took it to a Nerf war at work and found a few issues with it chewing darts, so...
View ArticleEAT Mod Problem HELP
I'm having a problem with my EAT, while modding it, i accidentally broke the piece that stops the breech from going back so now it will not prime back. does anyone know a way to fix this or a place i...
View ArticleStryfe Motors & Voltage
Hello everyone. So I'm posting because I've run into a problem that I'm sure most other Modders will eventually run into at one point or another. So I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and make...
View ArticleAdam Savage of Mythbusters does an extensive Longstrike mod
Aloha everybody! It's been a while, but the channel Tested has just released a new video with Adam Savage where he does an extensive Longstrike mod for a secret santa event. He's a well-known maker and...
View ArticleHelp with catch springs
I need someone to give me a specific name and purchase link to a good replacement catch spring to a nerf nite finder. If you must know I used a spring from home depot which is called a 24 pound spring...
View ArticleLongstrike OMW immortal kit priming help
I have recently installed a OMW immotal kit into my longstrike with a 7kg spring. It works very well exept for the fact that i have to prime with two hands. It also doesn't help that my priming handle...
View ArticleStryfe hornet integration
Hello I'm newish to Modding I've modded my stryfe just basic rewire and switch replacement with a power strip on off switch it's ok running on 4 aa batteries but recently I went to a thrift store and...
View ArticleVulcan mod issues
Hiya! So, I'm going to begin modding a vulcan I found at a value village but first I would like to figure out something. So the belt won't feed properly (I believe the belt feeding gear isn't strong...
View ArticleCleanest way to open a magstrike?
First time opening a magstrike. Already tried prying off the orange piece that goes around the pump with a small flathead screwdriver and it feels like it's not coming off without being mutilated first...
View ArticleWhat was your first overhaul?
working on my first right now... can't finish because spray paint doesn't work under 50 degrees
View ArticleCheaper Alpha Trooper/Recon MK11/Retaliator Upgrade Spring?
I have been planning an Alpha Trooper overhaul for the upcoming NvZ game, but due to budget cuts, I can't afford the nice OMW springs to upgrade it. Do you have any ideas for spring that I could put in...
View ArticleStampede and XBZ sizes
Hello everbody. I was wondering if it was possible to integrate a Stampeden and an XBZ in to a Firefly shell. So i wanted too know the sizes of the Stampede internals except for the Stampede handle...
View ArticleCan everyone please mesure their nerf guns?
So I'm internally debating what too intergrate into the front of my longshot and one thing that would really help is if I had scaled picutres of every blaster so I could compare sizes and shapes to see...
View ArticleHas anyone ever done a RL crossbow-like prime?
I DID search for crossbow. Just a disclaimer. I found one similar, (kinda) the 'has anyone made a crossbow with working arms' thread. So. The basically has anyone made a blaster that requires you to...
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