"Damn Van, back at it again with superstock stuff"
Disclaimer : I may use mag and clip interchangeably because you know what I'm talking about
I'll teach you how to make these,
Intro : I'm surprised there isn't a decent guide for this, since this is like 2005 era tech when 6 mags were all people had. A lot of people thrift 6 mags, and they're pretty much free. People may just give them to you if you ask, and as an asian brought up to be cheap and use all resources I have, I acquired 14+ 6 mags for practically free, or a dollar. I like 12 mags because they are mid cap but are easy to store on a vest or belt, especially if you move or drop down a lot. Reliability for me is fine, the only reason one broke is because one of the lips broke off so it couldn't feed. My friends avoid these like the plague in case a failure to feed, but they haven't jammed for me yet. I tested some of these through 2 wars, and it held fine. I've fingerbanged one of these with flywheels and it fed fine.
"Why don't you just buy mags? there's worker, and thrifting" you may ask. Well, some of us are cheap and broke, with horrible thrift stores. These are practically free, I used what I had laying around to make these. These are dubbed "Vanags" by my friends because they're made by Van, (me). Honestly they're ghetto mags,
Materials : You'll need
Duct tape
Dremel (hacksaw is fine)
Screw driver
File / Sandpaper
Optional :
epoxy (to perma bond, I don't do it but you can!)
Ruler (these 2 for precision)
Vice (useful but not required)
Sillicone spray (lube that shit for his comfort)
Steps : Gather your shit together and unscrew the mags. You need to take out the springs. You can take out the follower but I leave it in because I cut in a way it doesn't get in the way.
Take the 2 springs, and connect at this point here.
Thanduct tape them together,
Put that aside and focus on the mag. You want to cut below any rivets you see. I cut a bit over dart view on the old 6 for the lower half of the mag, and a bit above the texturing for the bottom cut of the mag. Sharpie and a ruler is great here.
Cut along that line with your hacksaw and dremel on both mags. Make sure you have a top and bottom.
Than deburr that shit, and if you kept the follower in, see if it can come in and out. You may have to sand a bit, I sanded a lot so
it would be more reliable.
Once your all sanded, and your follower can gravity fall in and out of both upper and lower mags without any issues, take one follower and dremel (or cut with hacksaw blade) a notch for the spring to rest.
Put a strip of duct tape on the side of the wall, or somewhere you can acess. Make sure it's long enough to wrap the mag 1 -1/2 times
Put your spring in one of the guides, and close up the lower mag. Than conect both mags. If they were cut nicely and fit together, that's nice. If not, you'll have to adjust to make it work.
Make sure you can see down the mag walls with no resistance. Push on the follower down all the way, (down to the bottom) and make sure it follows flawlessly.
Once it is in place, you want to tape the mags together with that duct tape. DON'T TAPE TIGHTLY, try to tape it in place holding it, amongst the surface but not so tight it clamps the mag so the follower can't feed. Test to make sure the magazine still follows and work
Test the mag a few times. I always fire 60 shots out of it to make sure it's reliable. You can spray WD 40 lightly down the mag to help it lube, but I don't. Once it's secure and reliable, I tape over the tape with another 2 wraps of duct tape, you can add more wraps, or use epoxy to keep it permanenet but I have no problems with duct tape.
I spammed using USCs + buzzbee darts and rapid fire in a sentinel for testing and reliability.
As mentioned in the intro, I did test some older ones in a overhauled stryfe and they fed fine. Use whatever darts you will use, and the primary you will use for these mags to make sure they work. The duct tape may make it harder to put in some blasters like the recon Mk2 because of the guard rail, and I have had issues on the Raven with more wraps of duct tape.
If it fails in a fight, just Tap, Rack, Bang! (Slap the bottom of the mag, rack to prime again if applicable, than fire. If fails to feed again, extract mag and forget about it, and change to another mag) I've never had to do this, but may be crucial to remember.
Is this useful? Probably not too much now and inapplicable. Probably shoulda been posted 10 years ago but hey, it's here now for all you poor superstock guys.