Quickshot 12
After one day of work I have finished my mod. As you will see in the pictures it is as easy as a piece of paper this mod is very efficient and surprisingly strong. It also saves on space so instead of...
View ArticleOne handed strongarm?
So I was sitting and thinking about what to do to my strongarm as there aren't many cool practical strongarm mods so I thought why not make it have one handed operation. Before people say just buy a...
View ArticleMod help boomco twisted spinner
Before I get the this is a nerf only site in my defence I would like to say this will make something into a nerf blaster. Anyways I have recently found a video on that fossil we call YouTube, in the...
View ArticleRapid strike modification
Hello I was wondering if there was a clear video of someone moddifing a rapid strike, I would like to do everything I can to make it better any help would be awesome
View ArticleHelpful tips for rewiring your mastodon
So I just finished rewireing my mastodon and since there arent any guides yet I'd atleast give people a starting point. First things first the shell is lightly solvent welded togeather so you'll have...
View ArticleBuzz Bee Sentinel Mods
Hello! I was wondering if anyone on here has any experience modding a Sentinel! I know Make Test Battle did a brass breech and replacement spring mod, but they did not show how they did it. (I am very...
View Articlebroken plunger rod
I have been modding my retaliator as you guys know but my plunger tube broke. I am asking the community will super glue fix this and I how will I prevent future breakage. I shortened the plunger rod if...
View Articlewhat are the springs that are able to fit in a longshot?
hi guys, i am currently looking for any kind of springs that can fit into a longshot without modding the spring. can you guys let me know? ps. i am new to the forums. i normally get information...
View ArticleRaven Full Auto Mod Help
I am trying to make my raven full auto, but my motor is not strong enough to push the arm and return spring forward. I have it geared for torque but it still doesn't have enough. What motor out on the...
View ArticleNerf tatical roughcut
I was just seeing if someone could make this mod , in the blue with white like the colors of strong arm or new rapid strike and see how much it would cost (will post in trade if someone gives me a quote)
View ArticleHow much voltage can you put into these?
Hi, i have a nerf rapid strike with 2 of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/Xtreme-ESL505-180-PRO-Motor-A-Gen-3-BLADE-CX2-CX3-Esky-Lama-Hunter-KOB-/191763270604?hash=item2ca5fb4bcc:g:RboAAOSwk1JWdcVm im...
View Article2 Home-Built Retaliator Ergonomic Mods
So, since it's time for post #500 and I've been talking it up for awhile, I'm posting my Ergonomic Retailiator mods. Basically, a pump-action setup and a collapsible stock. Both of my builds use 3d...
View ArticleMax Stryfe Voltage?
I'm Planning on buying some imr batteries for my Stryfe, which has stock motors. I was wondering what would be the max voltage i could run without blowing out the motors? Thanks
View ArticleHow much C for 3 xtreme 180s?
Whats the minimum discharge rate that i should have for 3 xp180s:...
View ArticleWhat switches should i use for a 3s and xp180s
I can't find those high amperage microswitches that all the nerf modders use. I prefer one that won't take to long to ship. Thanks.
View Articlenerf stryfe
i am modding my nerf stryfe for the ultimate performance, however i am having some trouble with my selection of the internals. Could you do me a favour on recommending me the best lipo to use, the best...
View ArticleSA-1 Werewabit
I have done so much experimenting with my Retaliator, and finally found how I want it. This design is called the werewabit as it is my first paint job on a Nerf blaster so it isn't very good. This...
View ArticleL'Hiron (Modded strongarm)
Hello again and today I present the L'Hiron which is a modded strongarm. It features a non dropping cylinder, barrel post removal, and I'm adding duel springs it. This blaster has quite some kick and...
View ArticleRetaliator Assault Shotgun
Hey everyone, this is my first (kinda) big mod im doing, it's making my retaliator a pump without a worker pump grip, im still in the process of the blaster. Im planning to add the raider n-strike rail...
View ArticleL'Hiron rev6
Hello again and today I present the L'Hiron which is a modded strongarm. It features a non dropping cylinder, barrel post removal, and I'm adding duel springs it. This blaster has quite some kick and...
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