Nerf Mega CycloneShock cylinder drop mod
Hi all, New to this forum. Recently made a mod on Cycloneshock. I initially wanted it to shoot stefans, so I re-barrelled it. Then I realised I need rear loading, so I cut open a rear-loading...
View ArticlePump Action Buzzbee Champion
So I was looking at a pump action reaper guide and realized there wasn't any one that was exact for the champion! Here's the pic of my finished one. Spray paint job is crappy because me and my dad...
View ArticleRival series flywheels and Magnus Effect?
So to get started, the Magnus effect in short: when a cylinder or ball moves forward and spins in a 'reverse roll' style, it produces lift. In more detail:
View ArticleRed vs Gold
I am currently working on a stryfe build that I plan to use fang motors and maybe hoonigan flywheels. So I started looking at the artifact FWC and was wondering if the gold one (canted) would help make...
View ArticleWorker "130d" motors?
Hey guys I bought the Worker non-canted flywheel cage "kit" (cage, wheels, "130d motors", barrel, switch, wiring) for my stryfe. I really like the "kit" other than the metal wheels (using Worker...
View ArticleTitan-Turian Sleeper
Cap'n Whitebeard, the E&C nerfer back again, showing off the project I have been working on since I traded for a Centurion at APOC... 16? Anyway, here goes. For those of you that were there, the...
View ArticleZuru Turbo Advance - Internals & Spring Swap
So! I've been excitedly waiting for the Zuru X-Shot Turbo Advance to arrive somewhere I could actually buy it. Currently, it's available in the US at Sam's Club and Bass Pro. Neither of those are great...
View ArticleSimple mods for people without screwdrivers
So I have the problem of not having the proper screwdrivers for modding, which is holding me back from really modding my guns. Luckily I have found an alternative that won't get me in trouble, because...
View Articledeploy with demolisher integration any ideas how to do it?
i have a deploy that i wanted to mod and make a #flywheelmasterrace weapon i have done the electronics and made it run on a drone lipo battery and i have an idea of where to make the integrations but i...
View ArticleWorst Mods/Paint Jobs You've Ever Done?
We've all had our fair share of janky mods and bad paint jobs. What's the worst mod or paint job you've ever done? 1. Here's my old Stampede. Yes, I was a total noob at painting back then and had a...
View ArticleEclipse: 200+ FPS flywheeler
Review by Dennis Vilensky. Hey guys, this is something I've been working towards for a while. It's a full envelopement flywheel system that runs on 180 brushed motors and fits in a stryfe without...
View ArticleMy version of the Gunputer
So, I met a friend who is a wizard with electronics and I brought him to a war. Long story short he fell in love with the rayven and because I pretty much gave him a laptop he offered to provide...
View ArticleCan anyone recommend a good glow in the dark base coat for hydro dippi
I've done some hydro dipping already, (pictures coming soon) and for one of my next projects I'd like to have a glow in the dark base coat under my pattern. I've seen a few different paints, read a few...
View ArticleGun show case
I want to show you my best guns just in case you would like to have good guns to mod. There is this green...
View ArticleRechargeable Batteries in Nemesis
Has anyone done testing with rechargeable D NiMh batteries in a nemesis? I ask b/c I have some lying around and if they would give me similar performance to the nerf battery pack I'd just as soon use...
View ArticleFirst Stryfe Mod (need help)
I am working on upgrading a Stryfe to a 3S Lipo battery. I have 16 guage wire (red/black), 2 Titan Chronus-X motors, and an extended battery door. I'm getting ready to order 1 Artifact Canted Metal...
View ArticleMotors for IMRs?
hello, i recently bought a stryfe and 3 efest IMRs with a dummy battery. i removed the thermistor and locks, and i was wondering which motors i should get? i know i should go lipo, but it's too much...
View ArticleQuestions about improving my Rayven
I love my Rayven, but I hate to admit it isn't doing as well as it should. Its range could be better, and an underbarrel add-on would help keep me safe during reloads. But last I checked, the blaster's...
View ArticleWhat UV LED should I use to charge EKIND glow darts?
i didn't know if this should go here or in "darts & barrels", so sorry if this is in the wrong thread. just tell me if it is. so i tried making a PVC barrel with a UV LED in it, and the darts...
View ArticleDual strike rumors
A couple of days ago at a nerf war, one of my freinds told me that the smart ar in the dual strike was extremley similar to the ones in the sweet revenge in the matter that you can take off the barrels...
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