Modulus ECS-10 | 3D printed cage, Stock wheels, MTB Rhinos!
I decided to slap some Rhinos into my Modulus...
View ArticleIs all of this stuff good for rewiring a Zeus?
Can anyone tell me if all of this is good for a Zeus rewire, my Zeus is full auto but is still electronically stock. I can't find a good charger too so if anyone can link a good LiPo charger that would...
View ArticleNerf longshot help
So, I am working on a longshot that shoots different types of ammo, including a 3 dart shotgun, megas, single elite, rival 1-3 etc. It will be running on 26 kg. I'm having a custom made metal plunger...
View ArticleNerf Triad spring upgrade?
Hey guys, new here. Been lurking and like this community. I'm hoping you all can help me find/source a stronger upgraded spring for my Nerf Triad and Triad Elite XD (2 favorite blasters lol) I've seen...
View ArticleBrass breech apollo?
I have a rival apollo, and I have experimented with brass and rival roulds on airblasters, I would like to bring that same idea to mag fed rival blasters, but I have never even attempted a brass...
View ArticleRecon MKII mod compatibility?
I've read that the Orange Mod Works Retaliator kit is compatible with the Recon MKII is this true?
View Articlestrongest spring for Mega Bigshock?
Hello again. I am hoping you all could help me decide on a stronger spring for a nerf mega bigshock I just picked up today. I've read that the jolt style blasters won't catch with anything stronger...
View ArticleMotors from Electric Pencil Sharpeners?
Let me just open this by saying I know this is kind of a dumb and lazy question, but I have little experience with motors and am incredibly interested in this concept. I was recently thinking about...
View ArticleAir Tank for Alphahawk?
Does anyone know of an air tank that would fit nicely into the space where the cylinder would normally go in an alphahawk?
View ArticleRpm for stock nerf motor
Does anyone know what the stock RPM for a nerf motor is ex: Hyperfire, Stryfe etc.
View ArticleNerf Mastodon motors.
Hi all. Ive decided to try and mod my Mastodon and i want to make this thing a force of nature. However the biggest motors ive seen people put into it are the MTB 180s and I dont see the point of...
View ArticleNerf Vulcan Modification (Help)
So I'm modifying a Nerf Vulcan to increase its fire-rate and all of that good fun. but I am running into a serious problem that I am having trouble fixing and I am getting concerned that I might render...
View Articleretaliator sealed breech?
Hello again, hoping you all can help clear things up for me. I am looking into buying a Retaliator for modding (I love modding stuff) but feel a little over my head with sealed breeches. I have seen...
View Article2s LiPo for Honey Badger motors?
I've used ultrafires for a while but I want to try LiPos but dont know how much power i need. Any help is appreciated.
View ArticleLight and Dark Hammershot Pair
Hello, I have recently painted and slightly modded two Hammershots, painting one black and one white for "light and dark". If you want them, you can purchase them here. USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS...
View ArticleScrew Ports - How to reconnect?
I was working on a mod, and I accidentally tore out three of the threaded parts that the screws actually thread into. Is there a good, strong way to reconnect this to the shell, or am I screwed? I...
View ArticleStrongarm Spring for Distruptor?
I'm planning to buy a few disruptors, but when I tried to google, I couldn't find any upgrade spring selling for Distruptor. Are Strongarm (or any else) upgrade springs works on distruptor? If not,...
View ArticleIs This A Home.M Or A Mod?
So I have a really quick question. Does it still qualify as a mod if only the handle and airtank are used, but, say, theres a long arm sticking out of the blaster? Ex: Say theres a strongarm with a...
View ArticleModded barricade vs modded stockade differences
Title sums it up. Are there any differences between the two after modification, or during the modding process?
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