Channel: NerfHaven - Mods
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nerf magstrike, single, double and tripple shot mod

I got this magstrike without the mag, so decided to do this mod I can fire 3 darts at once...range 20-30' I can fire 2 darts at once, range 30-35' single shot is in the 40' range (my house is only 35'...

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Modulus Storage Stock Mod Guide

No, not the terrible one that stores magazines. The new one that stores darts, or snacks, or battery packs. It's retractable, the same length as the Raider stock, and pretty great for Stryfes and other...

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Longshot mods

I have been toying with the idea of doing a pump action retaliator but asked around and decided to do a longshot. The problem is I can't find a good combo of mods, should I do an angel breech, an omw...

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Cycle Controlled Full Auto Stryfe

FYI, this is a copy/paste of the same post I made on britnerf. This was a much easier project than the 180 Rapidstrike rewire, but nowhere near as straightforward. Since I was using 16awg wire...

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XBZ pump relocation?

Dear NH, Quick question: how does one relocate the pump of a xbz? I have a fitting that goes over the current pump tube, that then can connect to a nerf pump I have, so i just need to know if I need to...

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Crossbow Tube Help?

Dear NH, I have been looking for some time now trying to find a buy link or store that sells the poly carb tube used as a plungertube for closed (flush) shelled 1995 crossbows. Also a link to a o ring...

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Alphahawk barrel extension.

Has anybody done a barrel extension for the Alphahawk yet?. I have seen 1 picture of an example but with nothing showing HOW they did this. I am mainly looking for a cosplay so It doesn't have to be...

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Longstrike Cosmetic Kits

I was looking around the internet and I couldn't find anything so I figured it was time to ask. Is there any kind of Longstrike cosmetic kit or 3d printed part that improves the longstrike shell?

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Roughcut gear removal?

I've had this idea in my head for a while now about replacing the gears in a roughcut with some kind of steel bar, It's hard to explain but if anyone who has opened a roughcut (like me) then maybe you...

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I just got my first commission for a stryfe and I don't want them to have to deal with lipos. I was wondering if I could use 4 aa sized imrs with mtb rhinos.

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I have an idea for adding swapable barrels to the Alphahawk (would lik

This is what I am thinking. Grab 1"-3/4 PVC reducer X2 (This may require some sanding to the inner portion of the gun to accommodate the larger outer diameter of the reducer).   Place one reducer right...

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Does anyone know of an adapter that can screw onto a titan?

Anyone know of a way to make an absolver that screws onto the titan without having to get rid of the titan's ability to fire rockets?

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Nerf Rival Khaos Internals Question (capacitor?)

Hello, I modified the Nerf Rival Khaos to be controlled with a switching circuit and I ripped out the internals of the weapon. However, when the program isn't running, the capacitor that is connected...

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SuperMaxx 1000 Reinforcement

I finally got myself an SM1k, and I'd love it if the auto-rotation didn't kill itself.   Looking around I've seen many posts alluding to the fragility of the SM1k auto-rotation mechanism, but I haven't...

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Modded a Rival Nemesis today.

Yo.  This is my first post here, so might as well start off with a bang. I picked up a Nemesis a few days ago and modded it 2 different days 2 different ways. First, I hooked up an empty can of quick...

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"Oakfinder" Wooden Nite Finder

I completely forgot that I made this thing.     Took the parts of an old Nite Finder and put them in a shell made of scrap wood.     (camo darts just for nice photos. I'd never see them again if I used...

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1995 Crossbow TEASER PHOTO

So, this project has been in the works for about a year now, planning, getting parts, asking questions, and reading up on NH.   The plan is to cut out the gray grip of the Crossbow, cram the XBZ into...

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Nerf modulus questions

I just got a modulus ecs-10 and have a couple questions: 1 how is the flywheel cage different from the stryfe/rapidstrike flywheel cage. 2. Will the Worker extended magazine release for the stryfe fit...

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Lipo for Rapidstrike with 180 motors

Hello! I am new to nerfhaven, but not to nerf modding. I have done a few electrical mods before and decided it was time to make a primary. I have ordered two mtb hellcats and one wolverine that I plan...

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Magazine-Fed XBZ Longstrike Build Guide/Writeup

I finished building this blaster at about 11:00 PM in 12/15/15 the night before COSTCOH II, and I have been sitting on the pictures for this writeup ever since. At COSTCOH II the blaster broke...

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