After spending too much time trying to finally wire up my hyperfire, I've decided to come here once again, and try to find an answer for my problems. I followed Make test battles video guide for wiring up a rapidstrike for this, and with a little guesstimation I've gotten this far. Right now when the flywheels are revved they are spinning in the right direction, and when the conveyor is working it's feeding in the right direction, wired as it is, the conveyor won't work unless the flywheels are revved. Thats how it's supposed to be, but when i pull the tigger for the conveyor, it shuts off the flywheel motors. Following MTB's video exactly made it so that the motors were spinning backwards, and the conveyor was going backwards.
These are the wiring steps i used to get this far.
1. [font=arial]Positive from the battery to the NO on the rev trigger[/font]
[font=arial]2. [/font][font=arial]com on rev trigger to back flywheels[/font]
[font=arial]3. [/font][font=arial]com on rev trigger to NO on conveyor trigger[/font]
[font=arial]4. [/font]com on conveyor trigger to top conveyor motor tab
5. Top conveyor motor tab to top row on flywheels
6. [font=arial]Bottom conveyor motor tab to NC on conveyor trigger[/font]
[font=arial]7. [/font][font=arial]NC on conveyor trigger to negative on battery.[/font]
I'm still really new with modding, and this is the first electrical project that isn't a stryfe. I really appreciate all the help I've gotten here so far, and I can't wait to be able to show everyone everything that I've accomplished.