Hey there! This is a mod writeup for the Nerf hammershot.
After going through the performance half of the writeup, you should be able to modify a nerf hammershot to hit slightly harder without power tools. It wont be hitting over 100 FPS or anything, but is very simple to do. With the latter half of this writeup, you will know how to use soap masking to make an Effeminate blaster, and have it fire over 9000 feet (not really, but still...) and makes you look awesome when flinging foam.
Part 1: Performance
Disassembly and OMW 8KG spring installation
Difficulty: A monkey could do it
You will need a hammershot, a bag and location for small parts, an OMW 8KG spring, and a screwdriver.
Remove all the screws in the hammershot. The screws are simple; one size fits all. Leave the screws in the bag for safekeeping.
Butterfly the shell open.
We will not be dealing with the turret yet, and will not be messing with the tactical rail tooth, sling point, and the orange sight piece. Get your OMW spring.
Pry the spring out of its place in the primary plastic piece. Yes, I just used 3 words that start with P in a row.
Pull or "untwist" (Unscrew?) the spring out entirely, and throw it at someone across the room. Do not actually do that.
Twist the replacement spring onto the blaster, wide end away from hammer.
EDIT: Put it on the other way. I did it wrong. Wide end away, not towards.
This part was a little troublesome for me. Push the spring in the rest of the way.
Barrel Post Removal
Difficulty: A monkey with snips could do it
You will need the turret, sandpaper, and snips. Mine are a little rusty...
Look through the back of the turret. See the little segments of the plastic spanning the barrels? Those will be mostly removed.
Snip the edges of the posts like so.
Mine looked like this when I finished snipping everything. Some people keep the posts for their own purposes.
Take your sandpaper, and rub the nubs of the posts down as to not destroy the foam seal around the AR which makes contact with the turret.
Mine looked like this when finished.
Now, you could reassemble right now, buuut that's a bit boring. So, read on if you want to make the hammershot look Effeminate on the outside!
Part 2: Paint!
Prep Work
Difficulty: A monkey could do it, but it had to have practice to do it well
Honestly, not much to say. Tape off what you want to stay the same and sand everything else down. I taped the handle and front of turret off.
Le Paint!
Difficulty: It gets harder here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Paint everything with a white primer/base coat or whatever it's called. No picture cause I am a lazy idiot, and nobody wants to see a white blaster.
I could add paint application instructions, but instead of reinventing the wheel, I will just say that other people have tutorials which explain how to use aerosol spray paint cans better than I would be able to.
Afterwards, paint over everything with a brightly colored paint. The white underneath was to make the fluorescent paints a little brighter in color.
Be careful of overspray, or you will become me and get paint on your arm and the ground.
Now, go into the kitchen and steal mom's dish soap. Sort of drizzle it over the plastic. Wherever the soap is, paint will not adhere to the plastic. It's hard to explain, but you can always wash the soap off and try again.
Afterwards, paint everything black, with the soap on.
While you're at it, get yourself covered in overspray again and entirely ignore your own advice.
Once the paint has dried, wash the dish soap off the blaster, as well as any hope of anything looking good too.
Mine looked like this.
Remove tape, add hand paint touches, and clear coat. I painted the rest of the turret and the sling mount, and it ended up like this.
This was my first post on here ever, and any feedback, nice or not, is well appreciated. Questions?