Picture write up. You have this modded strife your going to take to a laser tag arena. You want a retaliator fore grip but you need a flashlight. What are you going to do, put the flashlight on the top tac rail or get rid of the grip, well I present to you, my very own tactical flashlight grip.
List of things you will need.
Retaliator fore-grip
Nerf tactical flashlight thing, I will post a pic
Dremle with cutting and sanding heads
Soldering iron
Triple A LED batt holder that holds 3 batts
Electrical tape
and a flywheel activator switch
This is the flashlight I used
Open the light up and gut it
Cut the flashlight out from the switch and batt holder, and set it a side.
Next, take your grip and open it up. Bring out the dremle and cut the screw column out and sand it.
Next, cut out a spot for your switch
Next,cut out a hole for your switch, their is a lot of guessing in this step.
Then test fit it.
Once it fits nicely, take it out and take the light module and test to see were you want it.
Make sure it won't interfere with the black tac point.
Once you figure out where, drill the holes and make sure its right, then drill a tiny hole right behind for the wire. Hook every up and hot glue the light in. I cut off the other pegs and sanded them down
That what it should look like
Test time.
If you have any questions leave a reply.