Hi all! I'm an ancient Nerfer from the NerfOnline and NerfHQ glory days. I made this NH account when I was 13 years old. I'm now 27. And that itch to Nerf just won't go away.... Jesus I'm old.
All of the guns are spring-loaded now?! Guns have electronics and motors wtf? Has anyone utilized 3D printing?! I have so many questions.
But first-- What's your gun of choice for basic modding? I'm looking for something powerful and *accurate* that will leave a real welt. ROF doesn't matter to me-- whatever is beastly.
Currently I have these with basic AR & spring mods:
Sharpfire 5kg spring
Big Shock 5kg spring & crayola (crayola FTW)
It's so much fun being an adult with cash and time to splurge on this shit. Cheers everybody.