First off, before I show you my little project, hello! My name is Henry, but I prefer the name Logan. I'm new to NerfHaven (And Nerfing in general), and I hope to become an active and useful member in the community. If there is anything you think I should know about this site, or anything Nerf in general, let me know. Now, for what iv'e been Frankenstein-ing together, I call it the D.E.L.T.A., which is an acronym for Didn't Even Learn To Aim. (credit to my friend for that, he came up with the name after I told him I wanted "Delta" somewhere in the name). This blaster is roughly based on a weapon from a game my dad showed me (when I was around 10-ish), called Delta Force. Its basically M249 inspired, and in mid to "almost there" in terms of stages for this build. I'd say its only 54% done at the moment. Anyways, I'd like to have comments and criticism on this blaster, and I am looking forward to being part of this site and the community in general. If you got this far, thanks for taking time to check this out!